Fellows Spotlight: Kenya Handfield

This summer, Kenya Handfield, 2020 Nyah Fellow, represented Spelman College on Wall Street at JP Morgan Chase & Co's inaugural HBCU Black Scholars Program in New York City.

The program focuses on providing a pipeline for HBCU students into the world of investment banking, corporate environments and branding. Kenya was handselected out of 400 students to participate in the 80-person convening, representing 12 different HBCUs.

Kenya is a sophomore and majoring in psychology with a minor in French. She utilized Access to win over $500,000 in scholarships to attend her dream school of Spelman:

First generation and low income kids don’t have access in terms of money. Some parents can fund thousands of dollars for tutoring. I didn’t have that opportunity. What I did have was Access Online.

Access changed my entire college application. Personalizing Access and using it to my full advantage definitely gave me the resources that I needed to make my application stand out, to get those scholarships, and monetize my talents in the application process.

We are so proud of you, Kenya!


Advisor Spotlight: Don Hayden


Fellows Spotlight: Tyler McCray